Hotel Policies

Registration and Check-in


  • At least one of the registered guests must be at least 21 years old with a valid photo ID matching the name on the registration and intended form of payment must be present when checking in.
  • Full payment for all reserved stay charges and if needed, deposits, are required at the time of check-in. No Exceptions.
  • All guests and animals must be registered at the time of check-in and guest rules and policies should be reviewed with staff and check-in form will be signed.
  • All Guests are required to register their cars in the parking lot. Only 1 car per Room.


Guest Responsibilities

1. Guest will be IMMEDIATELY checked out from the hotel for the following actions:

  • Being involved in any police matter unless the matter show it is not the guest fault or is beyond the guest control.
  • Possessing/Using any illegal substances including drugs
  • Possessing an unauthorized weapon or firearm including any concealed or open carry weapons regardless of license
  • Violating the hotel’s Service Animal and/or Pet Policy.
  • Per the ADA, Service animals are accepted at all hotels but must be disclosed and registered upon entering the property to eliminate confusion with staff and other guests
  • Animal MUST be on a leash or carrier when in Public Areas.
  • Tampering with or removing smoke detectors and other safety measures.
  • Leaving Room doors unlocked or open.
  • Failing to register ALL guests at the front desk.
  • Any of the guests’ invitees who violate these guest rules will result in guest AND invitee being asked to leave the property.
  • Soliciting or Loitering of any kind, anywhere on the property.
  • Parking utility trailers, oversized vehicles, and inoperative vehicles on the property without permission from the General Manager
  • Parking in unauthorized areas.
  • Leaving Minors unattended on property including the guest room.
  • Washing, Repairing, Modifying, advertising the sale of, or storing vehicles on the property is prohibited and the vehicle will be towed at Owner’s Expense.
  • Causing disruptions including use of car horns in the parking lot.
  • Damaging or Destroying hotel property anywhere on the property.
  • Disturbing and disrupting other guests with loud noise, TV, music, disorderly conduct, or large groups.
  • Feeding stray animals on the property or keeping animals inside parked vehicles.
  • Leaving trash or personal items in common spaces or unauthorized areas.
  • Using skates, skateboards, bikes, or other recreational devices in common areas including in front of room and sidewalks.
  • Creating or staying in unsanitary conditions such as trash, odor, dirty dishes, filth, etc.

2. Other Guest Policies:

  • Shoes and Shirts are always required in public areas.
  • The pool area is for the use of REGISTERED Hotel Guests ONLY.
  • No food or drinks allowed in Pool Area.
  • All Minors MUST ALWAYS be accompanied by an adult when in the pool area.
  • All Guests found tampering with the hotel fire/emergency system will be subject to a minimum of $1,000.00 fine.
  • No climbing or playing on the ledge or railings of stairs.
  • We understand and respect each guest need for privacy. The hotel reserves the right to visually inspect all guest rooms every 24 hours to ensure the well-being of our guests and confirm the condition of the room.
  • No smoking is allowed in the room, and this includes cigarettes, cigars, E-cigarettes, vaping, and any other form of smoking. If you are found to have smoked in the room, you will be charged a fee.
  • Guests are responsible to treat hotel property and amenities with respect. Guest will be charged a replacement or repair of damage to hotel property or guest rooms. The management assumes no responsibility for accidents, injuries, theft, or loss due to any cause.

If the Guest does not follow or comply with hotel policies, Hotel Management has the right to request any guest to vacate their room or other areas of the hotel without any notice/refund.